Behind The Scenes
Defend The Hunt, a DBA of Norse Sound Creative, LLC a combat veteran owned and operated small business in Skagit County, Washington. Defend The Hunt is an effort by this company to help raise awareness and funds for hunting, trapping, fishing, science based wildlife conservation and management as well as 2nd Amendment rights.
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More About Defend The Hunt & "Our Why"
I consider myself a lifelong hunter. I grew up in the great State of South Dakota where I was lucky enough to have a father who was an outdoorsman and hunter. I shared many adventures growing up chasing White Tail Deer on the plains and in the Black Hills to calling coyotes in on sub-degree days on the Cheyenne River. We hunted waterfowl, pheasants, and the list goes on. All the meat we consumed during the course of a year was from what we harvested. This was how we lived, and how I try and live now. The memories, stories and adventures that fed and continue to feed my soul come from these types of things.
Presently, I reside here in Washington State where I own a small business and spend as much time in the mountains as I can with my wife and three children. My hunting passion in the wild revolves around mountain Mule Deer and Black Bear. I love immersing myself in the mountains and watching these animals live, everything about them – it is what drives me. I have become very active in Game Commission activities, and other efforts all across the West regarding science-based wildlife management, hunting and ensuring these animals I love remain on the landscape for generations to come.
As a patriot, a veteran, a father, a husband – it is upon me to do what I believe is right for the future of our country and these animals we love to pursue. The issues I seek to highlight here are important to myself and future generations of sportsmen and sportswomen. Living in Washington State (the forefront of this fight) has taught and shown me many things. The current fights we are facing regarding the active effort of Washington State’s Game Commission to remove Black Bear and Cougar hunting, which in turn leads down the road of removing ungulate hunting, then hunting as a whole must be stopped. Hunting is a proven method of wildlife conservation and management when based in science, as any hunter already knows. We must stop these types of efforts in their tracks. As Washington State and Colorado have proven, they are coming and we must remain positive, fact based and protect these rights for our children and their children.